
Screenplay online free the burning weinstein
Screenplay online free the burning weinstein

screenplay online free the burning weinstein
screenplay online free the burning weinstein

Tom Savini turned down FRIDAY THE 13TH PT. In a span of 45 seconds, Cropsey manages to viciously slay a handful of teens with more than enough blood flow to excite any gorehound.


While the movie has plenty of gruesome demises (final body count is 10 victims) throughout its 91 minute runtime, the raft massacre scene is its most infamous legacy, containing its boldest violence. THE BURNING seems to be a solid example of that. Clover posits that young men who fulfill the role of the Final Girl may be of the male sex, but they are often gendered feminine by way of their emotional openness (high-pitched screams and flowing tears), fragility, and lack of sexual prowess that a more alpha male would display thus, these “inferior” boys still hit all of the requisite qualities to be a Final Girl. In her book Men, Women, and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film, Carol J. But, like slashers of that era, the frail, frightened young victim eventually has to stop running, grab a masculinizing phallic implement, and face that monster. He stands in contrast to the young women we usually see functioning in that role, especially in films of that era. This quintessential summer-camp slasher movie is singular in its treatment of the Final Girl trope the Final Girl is a boy, and a cowering nerd at that. But that’s what happens when you hire Tom Savini to handle the special effects: he’ll do such a good job that his work will be censored into oblivion. And then, of course, there’s the downright vicious raft massacre a scene so shockingly violent that the BBFC gave the movie an X-rating. Another kill follows over Cropsey’s shoulder as he stabs a victim at the base of the throat, hoists the victim up on the shears, drives him forward, and pins him to a tree. One of the first kills, a sex worker, is giallo-influenced in its killer POV, close-ups on the black leather gloves, and straight-outta-Argento-film shot of the female victim’s head crashing through a window and resting there among the shattered glass. The kills are all entertaining, but for various reasons. It’s not quite as entertaining as the folk-song campfire scene of MADMAN, but far surpasses the more well-known similar moment of FRIDAY THE 13TH PART II. Maylam goes minimalist with close-up shots of enthralled faces around the fire as Todd (Brian Matthews) gravely delivers an eerie local legend unto his riveted listeners. Tony Maylam and the Weinsteins pull out all of the usual plot devices and cliches requisite of the summer slasher in their screenplay, but the standout is its memorable campfire tale scene. The film also launched the illustrious production careers of the Weinstein Brothers (Bob and Harvey). The acting works just fine as every cast member fulfills their stereotypical slasher movie role.


The film features a few early roles for now-recognizable celebrities: a fresh-faced Holly Hunter as Sophie, and a pre- Seinfeld Jason Alexander as obnoxious jock Dave (also sporting a full head of hair). Cropsey also served as the inspiration for MADMAN (1982), changing its killer’s name to Madman Marz. Loosely based upon the urban legend of the Cropsey Maniac (or simply Cropsey), THE BURNING tells the story of a former summer camp groundskeeper who is horribly burned and returns to Camp Blackfoot five years later to seek revenge on the teens responsible. The death tally rises as the bodies drop. Some callous teenagers decide to play a cruel joke on an unsuspecting, innocent target and when it fails, the victim becomes the blade-wielding avenger. It worked well for CARRIE (1976), THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW (1983), and has been used as recently as 2015 with THE FINAL GIRLS (to hilarious effect).

screenplay online free the burning weinstein

The prank-gone-wrong revenge story is a tried and true horror plot. Cast: Brian Matthews, Leah Ayres, Brian Backer

Screenplay online free the burning weinstein